Radiation from a cavity-backed circular aperture array antenna enclosed by a frequency\nselective surface (FSS) radome is studied using the hybrid analysis method, by combining the mode\nmatching method, the ray tracing technique, and Huygensâ??s principle. The equivalent magnetic\nsurface currents on the apertures are derived from the aperture electromagnetic fields, which are\ncalculated based on the mode matching method. The rays are generated from the equivalent magnetic\nsurface currents and used to analyze the FSS radome based on the ray tracing technique. After being\nobtained from both the mode matching method and the ray tracing technique, electromagnetic fields\non an outermost radome are transformed into the equivalent electric and magnetic surface currents\nusing Huygensâ??s principle. The radiated fields are computed from the equivalent surface currents\nand compared with the measured data.